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Activist Alert: 5 Calls (June 17, 2018)

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The 5 Calls Newsletter

Your list of actionable issues that you can call your representatives about this week.

A Meeting of Two Dictators

As Trump meets with Kim Jong Un this week in Singapore, we finally get to see first hand the famed "art of the deal" - usually involving some sort of con.

It remains to be seen what the North Korean leader could offer Trump and the world during these talks, but it's clear that Trump sees no reason to prepare his diplomacy skills in any meaningful way.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Like Taking Healthcare From a Baby

Last week, the House has passed Trump's proposed budget cuts to CHIP and other essential social services. The Senate will now consider these cuts, which can be passed by a simple majority vote.

Call to Protect Children's Healthcare

The Soon-To-Be G6

Trump’s recent behavior at the G7 summit laid bare the rift he is creating with our most trusted allies. Congress, and especially the GOP, must forcefully denounce his conduct and reassure our allies we still stand with them.

Call to Denounce the G7 Fiasco

Tell The DOJ To Do Their Job

In February of 2018, the state of Texas filed a lawsuit arguing that the ACA’s insurance requirement is unconstitutional because the individual tax penalty for being uninsured was repealed as part of the of tax cuts for the wealthy. In normal times this lawsuit would have been considered frivolous, however in an unexpected twist the Department of Justice announced they will not defend the ACA, potentially causing chaos in our healthcare system.

Call to Protect the ACA

Activist Alert: 5 Calls (June 20, 2018)

Activist Alert: Progressive Action Global Exchange (June 17, 2018)