Welcome to the Wiki History podcast page. You will find great stories about African American history.  They are both inspirational and educational. You will learn history and how YOU can make history today and every day!


Welcome to my blog. I examine Black history and the Black experience through discoveries in literature, politics, philosophy, art, food and more. It's a great adventure with lots of inspiration and a few surprises along the way!  

I'm glad that you have come to visit. Hope you have a nice stay!

Black Explorers: Adventures at the Mammoth Caves

Black Explorers: Adventures at the Mammoth Caves

The explorers in this podcast are a very special group!  Why? Three reasons: (1) They were born during slavery, (2) They had a unique set of skills, and (3) They lived at, mapped and explored the Mammoth Caves in Kentucky. The Mammoth Caves is the longest underground cave system in the world. It contains more than 400 miles of vast chambers and complex passages. Today, Mammoth Cave National Park is a World Heritage Site.  This podcast will introduce you to the Mammoth Caves and the brave and skilled African Americans who explored the cave system. Their stories are all different but each story is full of inspiration and lessons to live by.  These are stories for the whole family to enjoy. You might even want to visit the Mammoth Caves and discover why they are still called "grand, gloomy and peculiar."


African Americans in the Military: Contributions of Former Enslaved Persons

African Americans in the Military: Contributions of Former Enslaved Persons

Black Explorers: Women taking the lead

Black Explorers: Women taking the lead